How do i change my viber chat home page contact pictures
How do i change my viber chat home page contact pictures

How? Simply long tap on the message, choose “Edit”, and your original text will appear in the input area waiting for you to edit. Now you can edit the message, and keep on chatting. Introducing Viber’s latest feature – Edit Messages.

how do i change my viber chat home page contact pictures

Ordinarily you would let it go, this is text after all, mistakes are pretty normal when your fingers are flying across the keypad, and auto-correct does its thing.

how do i change my viber chat home page contact pictures

You could delete the whole message, but that does seem a bit extreme for that one word.

how do i change my viber chat home page contact pictures

If you are a perfectionist like we are, you will know how that one teeny tiny typo in a text message you’ve just sent can totally ruin your day.

How do i change my viber chat home page contact pictures